치과 모듈 그래픽/
Dental Module Graphics
I made module graphics to represent the different elements of dentistry.(toothbrush, toothpaste, dental products, floss/gold teeth, silver teeth, ceramic teeth/medication, syringes, medical chart/teeth, implants/X-rays/orthodontics/forceps, implant/denture/dental chair)
Dental Module Graphics
치과에 관련된 다양한 요소들을 모듈 그래픽으로 표현하였습니다.(칫솔, 치약, 치위생용품, 치실/금니, 은니, 세라믹이/약품, 주사기, 병원차트/치아, 임플란트/엑스레이 촬영사진/교정 치아/집게, 임플란트/틀니/치과 의자)
I made module graphics to represent the different elements of dentistry.(toothbrush, toothpaste, dental products, floss/gold teeth, silver teeth, ceramic teeth/medication, syringes, medical chart/teeth, implants/X-rays/orthodontics/forceps, implant/denture/dental chair)